
Monday, October 22, 2012

Hello Again

Hi, friends.

Sorry for the disappearing act.  I hope you'll understand that I took some time away from blogland for the happiest of reasons.

Our son was born September 9th at 10:16pm.  Since then we've been learning who he is, learning about being a big sister, learning about being a mother and father to two little ones.   

Now that I am re-entering my normal life, and trying to find my balance with an even busier pace, I hope you'll bear with me still.  I do intend to continue this blog and have much more to share with you, even as my days have become fuller.  My goal is to carve out time to write regularly again because I miss doing this, and sharing our life, and hearing from you.

Thank you for reading and sharing your life as well.



  1. Big congrats to all of you and thanks for sharing this beautiful peek into your family!

  2. Yaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Katie! I have been wondering about you and your little brood. So glad you're all healthy. And what a beautiful photo, my goodness. Beep's expression makes me laugh-cry.
    Please do write when you have time, but take care of yourself and your family first. xoxo
    Love and congratulations from north of the Red River!

  3. Katie, I have missed you and your family. I so totaly understand, Family comes first always. Glad all are healty and hpefully adjusting to a newborn and all that goes with have another person to love and care for.


I love reading your comments and hearing what you think, so please chime in. Keep it civil. It's how we roll here at Cabbage Ranch.